What is parser4j
- 100% Java
- It is not a parser generator since it does not generate
- it is a kind of lr(∞)
parser: perform a bottom-up parsing. It is a ∞ lookahead since it explore possibilities in case of shift-reduce conflict and reduce-reduce conflict.
- includes lexical analysis.
- it accept ambiguous
grammar and output
alternative interpretations.
- white
space parsing informations are not discard, it is possible to manage
white space parsing result. Javadoc example: the comment
content have its own grammar. This make able to have nested
- The parser is a framework embedded as parsing
front end of the using application. It is a framework since:
- it is call by the parsing application.
- the called parser invoke rule match manager classes
provide by application to:
- drive the parsing ( can accept or cancel a match )
- compute data associated to parse nodes, these data are
application dependant
- output ( root parse node of the parse tree ) reference
application dependant data
- It is composed by:
- main component
- the
parser data generator that create a "parser data" from a grammar
defined in a text file, the names of classes to invoke for match
management are declared in this file.
- the parser framework.
- tools
- the parser data to html that make able to have parser
data in human readable form for debug.
- the output parse tree gui shower to analyse output.

© 2008-2009, parser4j